TUM Groups

TUM groups

Here we introduce you to the different groups that are organized at TUM. Join one of the groups that represent your interests and hobbies.


Protecting the environment and adopting a sustainable lifestyle are essential and urgent in order to limit global warming to below 2°C. This means that not only each and every one of us but also universities are required to rethink and make radical changes at all levels. Find out what projects and initiatives there are for students in Munich and become an active part in climate protection yourself!

Sport and exercise

Mountain sports, running, dancing and much more. This is what various student groups at TUM offer as a balance to everyday university life in the lecture hall, office or laboratory.

Movement offers

social commitment

Social commitment has many faces. The opportunities to help are countless, some right under your nose, some on the other side of the world. The nice thing about it is that while you help other people, you can also take something positive away for yourself: make social contacts, start conversations, learn new things.
At TUM there are many student initiatives in which you can participate in order to do something good for yourself and others at the same time.

social commitment

Art and music at TUM

Making music together is proven to be beneficial for health and general well-being. That's why we're very happy that there are so many opportunities at TUM to enrich various orchestras, choirs and bands with your own talent, but above all with your own personality and joy in music.
Art and music

TUM Student Clubs

TUM students contribute their ideas and talents to research groups, are committed to human rights, coach young people or promote cultural exchange on campus. They apply their knowledge from their studies, create networks across subject and national borders, implement innovative technological concepts and start their own companies. You can find a comprehensive overview of many other student groups on the TUM homepage.
TUM Student Clubs
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